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Shona Religion

In the Shona religion, God, or the Supreme Being, is seen as the creator and sustainer of the universe, just like Christianity.  Shona Mwari, meaning, "He who is," are believed to be very active in the everyday lives of people and in politics.  People communicate with the Mwari through vadzimu, or deceased ancestors.  The vadzimu are believed to constitute an invisible community within the loving community.  The vadzimu are always around their descendants, caring for them and participating in their joys and sorrows.  The spirit mediums communicate with the vadzimuon behalf of the people.  In addition to guarding characteristics of the vadzimu, there are also evil spirits called Ngozi and witches communicate with them.  Ngozi are the spirits of the deceased individuals who were greatly wronged, neglected by a spouse, murdered, or just neglected.  They will attack through sudden death of several members of the family, or through ill people who are not responding to treatment.  Communication between the living and the dead is taken care of by the spirit mediums who are vital parts of the Shona culture and religion.  The spirit mediums were considered by missionariesand colonist to be ancestor worship.  The spirit mediums were acting as intermediaries between the Mwari and the living.  They would carry messages, prayers, and thanks from the human beings to God.  It is not the vadzimu who are worshipped, but God through them.  The spirit mediums intercede between you and the ancestral spirits.  The avcestral spirits will intercede and will carry it forward to God, because they also believe in God.  Religion constitutes an element within culture, as religion is seen as a way of life.

"The dead are not dead. They are always around us, protecting us. There is no living person who is stronger than the departed. When the whole village prays together, they pray to the ancestral mudzimu of their clan. When we pray to mhondoro for rain, we are praying to the guardian that unites the whole clan. This is one of the strongest spirits of the land"